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六年级英语作文:A wonderful holiday-- to guilin



六年级英语作文:A wonderful holiday

I had a wonderful holiday.

I went to Guiling with my family last summer holiday. I packed my bag. We went there by plane.

In the plane, the buildings looked like boxes. The cars looked like ants.It was very interesting. We got off the plane. We went to hotel by bus. On the first day,本文的内容也参考了http://www.huayuzhi.com/zuowen/chuzhong/zhongkao/, we went to Lijiang, which was the famous river all over the world. We went boating. We saw a lot of mountains. It was tall and high. It was green too. We wore beautiful clothes. We took photos too. On the second day, we went Xianbi mountain. On the way, I was excited. I saw the mountain looked like elephant’s nose. I bought a fan. We took a family photo. On the third day, we went to Peach Park. We played a lot of games. We were happy.

We came back to Jintan on the fourth day. I liked Guiling very much. This is my holiday. What about yours?


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六年级英语作文:A wonderful holiday-- to guil…

