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上海纽约大学校长办公室助理孟晓初(左); 上海纽约大学常务副校长Jeffrey Sean Lehman(中);北京大学教授、重庆大学校长助理《乐观的心》译者荣丽亚(右)

  搜狐出国主持人:各位网友大家好,今天搜狐出国会客厅邀请到的嘉宾是:美国康奈尔大学前任校长,现任上海纽约大学常务副校长Jeffrey Sean Lehman先生,欢迎您。一同到访的还有北京大学教授、重庆大学校长助理,同时也是Jeffrey Sean Lehman校长新书《乐观的心》翻译者荣丽亚女士、上海纽约大学校长办公室助理孟晓初先生,欢迎您。

  SOHU HostessHi everyone. Today we have invited a special guest, Jeffrey Sean Lehman, who is the former President of the Cornell University, Vice Chancellor of NYU Shanghai, and author of the newly published bilingual speech book An Optimistic Heart. Liya RONG, who is a Peking University professor, the assistant president of Chongqing University and translator of the book An Optimistic Heart, and Xiaochu MENG who is the assistant in the president office of NYU Shanghai also come together. Welcome!


  SOHU Hostess’s Question for Jeffrey Sean Lehman: we know that the admission of the NYU Shanghai has almost been done, but the process of the admission and how did you recruit students is still a mystery to the Chinese public. Could you please talk about how did you design the admission process and what kind of quality did you require for these students you planed to recruit?

  Jeffrey. Lehman(上海纽约大学常务副校长):这是一个非常好的问题。我想当您站在我们的立场时,同样会思考什么样的学生最适合上海纽约大学所提供的教育,接着就会思考如何确定哪些申请人员符合我们所期待的要求。我们比较感兴趣的学生通常是聪明、勤奋、具有很强的好奇心、优秀的英文能力、立志与来自世界各地具有不同文化背景的成员一起共事并做出相应贡献,并且已经准备好做一名积极主动的学习者,因为我们的教学风格要求学生为自己的学习负责。


  Jeffrey Sean LehmanVice Chancellor of NYU Shanghai):That is a wonderful, question. And I think when you put yourself in our shoes and think about what kind of students will be best for the kind of education that we offer at NYU Shanghai, you have to stop and say how can we learn which of our applicants have all the qualities that we are interested in. We are interested in students who are very smart, we are interested in students who work very hard, we are interested in students who are very curious, we are interested in students who speak excellent English, we are interested in students who have an ambition to work with other people from different cultures form other parts of the world so that they can contribute, we are interested in students who are prepared to be active learners because our style of teaching is the one that requires the students take the responsibility for their own learning.

  So when the university look at the candidate’s application files, what they see on paper might be how well they did in the test in school, they might see how well they did in the competitions, what prizes they won, they might see the descriptions that their teachers have for them or their principal have for them. All of that information is very important for us, but it’s not enough. One of the things is very difficult to test, it’s the ability to communicate in English, there are tests of course like TOEFL test, but they don’t really do a good job in showing how well a student can work in an English language environment. Then we need to meet the students so that we have a chance to see the students in person.




