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张一鸣 中信证券,权力的游戏第七季下载迅雷下载,河南省考成绩查询



Xi-Obama summit

The Xi-Obama summit is the fifth between the two heads of state.


国家主席习近平22日启程出访美国,首站为西雅图,在西雅图停留期间,习近平参观了微软位于华盛顿州雷德蒙德的总部(campus)以及波音位于艾弗里特的总装厂(massive factory),并在西雅图发表政策演讲(policy speech)。

24日,习近平乘专机抵达美国首都华盛顿,文章的相关关键词内容是考研辅导,继续对美国进行国事访问。当天,习近平在华盛顿出席美国总统奥巴马举行的私人晚宴(private dinner)。华盛顿是习近平此次美国之行的第二站。结束对华盛顿的访问后,习近平将赴纽约出席联合国成立70周年系列峰会(a series of summits marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations headquarters)。

中美两国领导人将就国际和地区形势(regional and international situation)、各自内外政策(respective domestic and foreign policies)和双边关系(bilateral ties)等重大问题坦诚、深入地交换意见,确保中美关系始终不偏离构建新型大国关系(new model of major-country relationship)的轨道。双方将就经贸(economy and trade)、能源(energy)、人文(people-to-people exchanges)、气候变化(climate change)、环保(environmental protection)、金融(finance)、科技(science and technology)、农业(agriculture)、执法(law enforcement)、防务(defense)、航空(aviation)、基建(infrastructure development)等诸多领域达成重要共识,签署一批影响深远的合作协议(cooperation agreement)。


welcome ceremony 欢迎仪式

honor guards 仪仗队

welcoming remarks 欢迎辞

full state welcome 全套国宾待遇

state banquet 国宴

maintain stable growth 稳增长

make structural adjustments 调结构

carry out reform 促改革

improve people's well-being 惠民生

forestall risks 防风险

peaceful development 和平发展

win-win cooperation 合作共赢


Internet plus tourism

Under the topic of "Internet plus tourism", the CNTA looks to fully integrate tourism resources in the industry. In five years, tourists are expected to access free WiFi at all 3A and above scenic spots in China.


除3A景区(3A and above scenic spots)外,3星级以上宾馆(three-star and above hotels)也将实现无线网络全覆盖。到2020年,推动全国所有4A级景区(scenic spot with a rating of 4A and above)实现免费WiFi、智能导游、电子讲解、在线预订、信息推送等功能全覆盖。届时,逢节假日景区人满为患、超负荷运转的局面有望得到缓解。我国还将运用互联网开展文明旅游引导(use the Internet to promote "civilized tourism"),定期发布游客不文明旅游行为记录(publish the "incorrect tourism behaviors" to the public)。


China-US Year of Tourism 中美旅游年

tourists between the two countries 双向旅游人数

high-speed train trip 高铁旅游

forest tourism 森林旅游

nature reserves 自然保护区

wetland parks 湿地公园

medical tourism 医疗旅游

ecotourism 生态旅游

space tourism 太空旅游


gender equality

Gender equality and women's development in China not only show the country's own progress, but also constitute a historical contribution made to global equality,插入一下参考网站(考研分数线), development and peace, said the white paper on gender equality and women's development.




